Privacy policy
“Eugenio Albero Gonzalez” informs you that all personal data received through any form on this website will be treated with the strictest confidentiality in accordance with the privacy and security policy of the entity, as well as with the Data Protection Law. This data will be included in a file, which is registered in the General Registry of the Data Protection Agency. The main purpose of its creation, existence and maintenance is the processing of personal data in order to manage the accommodation reservations made through this website. The recipients of the information are all persons assigned, registered, holders, and collaborators of all departments and associated entities in which the entity is organized, as well as the official bodies that by law require the transfer. By sending the form, the sender gives their consent to the automated and documentary processing of the data included in our database. “Eugenio Albero Gonzalez” informs you that you have the right to access, rectify, and cancel your data, as well as to communicate any changes or modifications that may occur. To exercise these rights and for any clarification, you can send an email to: “[email protected]”
Through this notice, EUGENIO ALBERO GONZALEZ informs users of the portal about its policy of collection and processing of personal data, so that users can decide whether they want to provide EUGENIO ALBERO GONZALEZ with the personal data that may be requested through the form included on the website.
Some services or channels of the portal contain specific provisions regarding the protection of personal data, provisions that, if applicable, will be established at the bottom of the data collection forms to warn the user and so that they can provide free, unequivocal, and informed consent to the collection and processing of their data. If a “legend” is established in a form, it will prevail over these general conditions.
Unless otherwise indicated, responses to questions about personal data in the forms are voluntary, without the absence of a response implying a detriment to the user. However, in some cases, some data are necessary to manage the service and/or the user’s request, so not providing necessary data could imply that the request could not be attended. Data collection forms will indicate with an asterisk (*) the “mandatory” fields to access the request.
The data collected through the website will be subject to processing and collected in an automated file owned by EUGENIO ALBERO GONZALEZ, for the specific purpose of each form and to send you information, even after your request has been attended to, about the activities of EUGENIO ALBERO GONZALEZ. According to applicable regulations, this file is duly registered in the Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
The user’s submission of their data implies acceptance of this policy and, specifically, the express and unequivocal consent by the user for the processing of the data for the aforementioned purposes.
In cases where the user voluntarily provides their data through the website to request information, the purpose of the processing will be to manage the request and send the requested information, as well as to send you information in the future about the activities of EUGENIO ALBERO GONZALEZ.
If the user freely provides their email address, they expressly authorize EUGENIO ALBERO GONZALEZ to send them the requested information via this means, all for the purpose of complying with the LSSICE, which prohibits the sending of commercial communications by email that have not been requested or expressly authorized. In accordance with Organic Law 15/99, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, the user can exercise their rights of OBJECTION, ACCESS, RECTIFICATION, AND CANCELLATION OF DATA by sending a written request to the registered office of EUGENIO ALBERO GONZALEZ located at C/ CRUZ 14, 2ND FLOOR, 28012, Madrid, Spain. You can also send an email to the following address [email protected] The user expressly agrees that their data may be transferred to third parties by EUGENIO ALBERO GONZALEZ for various reasons, such as the administrative management of the services requested, the accounting and fiscal management of the company by third parties, or other similar reasons.
Also, in accordance with Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the user may REVOKE AT ANY TIME THE CONSENT GIVEN FOR THE RECEIPT OF COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS BY ELECTRONIC MEANS by sending an email to [email protected] with the reference “I DO NOT WANT TO RECEIVE ADVERTISING BY EMAIL”.